Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Chicken Barapen ala Walesi

February 12, 2010

Chicken Barapen is one of the most famous Papuan food. Walesi is a name of tribe in Wamena Papua.  They change pork with chicken because many Wamena people are Moslem. The method of cooking is using burnt stone beforehand putting into a drum that is buried in the land. Afterwards, put sweet potatoes, and vegetables on it one by one.  Then put chicken with spice, pour oil on chicken, vegetables, and sweet potatoes evenly.  After that, close the drum by thick plastic heat-resistant.  …….Now, the food is ready to serve.

Genyem calls you guys to work at our farm

February 9, 2010

Jayapura is the widest area for plating cocoa in Papua.  This regency has 6,177 Ha followed by Kaerom 5,058 Ha, Nabire 2,937 ha. However, due to shortages and the political situation, cocoa production in Jayapura decline so drastically.  Another cause is many young men have left the village and work in the city to build infrastructure and the political situation.

We are Papuan hoping that you, guys, please poor our girls working alone. Accompany them and come back to farm and restore the glory Genyem Cacao plantations.

Thank the Dutch government

February 8, 2010

Papua is selected as one of five regions in Indonesia as the location of the renewable energy project.  The other provinces are covering North Sumatra, Central Java, Yogyakarta and West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

Thank  Casindo coordinator, Nico van der Linden who said that Papua with its special autonomy status should be able to develop its renewable energy potentials and formulate the regional energy policy while economizing energy measures.

Cenderawasih University has been chosen to implement a work program and make coordination with related parties, said Nico, who is also a researcher at the Netherlands Energy Research Center (ECN).

Understanding Papua 4 (Economy)

March 22, 2008

Similar to the situation in other parts of Indonesia, the people of Papua depend on agriculture for their income, especially farms and plantations. Agricultural commodities in Papua include cocoa, palm oil, sago, corn, soybeans, tuber roots and rice. Other crops often cultivated by Papuan people include forestry products like timber, sandalwood, eaglewood and rattan. In terms of fish and other marine resources, Papua’s resources are plentiful; much of its marine industry is orientated towards export, including tuna, crabs, sea cucumbers, pearls and aquarium fish.
In the energy and mining sector, Papua has large potential reserves of gold, copper, natural gas and oil. The extraction of these resources in Papua is usually undertaken by large-scale operations, for example PT Freeport for gold mining and British Petroleum for gas and oil.
Overall, Papua is still a raw materials and commodities supplier. The processing industry in Papua is underdeveloped because of the lack of supporting infrastructure, which means greater production costs are incurred by investors. This situation has led to economic growth in Papua which is not representative of its true potential; the prosperity of the Papuan people has not increased significantly despite the current economic growth. Aside from natural resource exploitation and agricultural activity, forestry and mining has also had negative impacts on the Papuan environment.
Aside from the efforts on the part of local and regional governments to encourage the acceleration and equal distribution of economic development in Papua, the Integrated Economic Development Zone of Biak (Kapet Biak), which covers the regencies of Biak Numfor, Yapen Waropen, Supiori, Nabire and Mimika, was created in 1998 and it is focused on the fishery and tourism sectors. However, development has been delayed due to overlapping regional and central government policies and bad management. Other initiatives include the creation of other special economic zones in Jayapura, Nabire, Sorong, Mimika, Merauke, Fak-Fak and Wamena. It is hoped these regions will become centers of growth for Papua. After Papua received Special Autonomy status, the regional government began to use its new status to begin the process of developing Papua with a focus on equal distribution and community empowerment. This principle is reflected in the Vision and Mission of the Papua Development Program which aims for cultural, social, political and economic self-sufficiency for Papua based on traditional and universal values. (

Investor Terkendala Hak Ulayat dan Birokrasi

January 29, 2008

West Papua Point (WPP).  Papua, 28 Januari 2009.  Ketua Umum Badan Pengurus Daerah (BPD) Himpunan Pengusahan Muda Indonesia (HIPMI) Papua, Andi Rukman Nurdin, mengatakan,” Mendatangkan investor ke suatu daerah tidak mudah, namun apabila sudah ada 1 investor mulai berkarya di suatu daerah, maka hal tersebut akan menjadi bahan pertimbangan investor lainnya masuk ke daerah tersebut maka dampaknya akan menjadi multi efek kepada usaha-usaha lainnya yang dapat memajukan perekonomian menuju Papua Baru,” katanya sebelum membuka rapat pleno BPD HIPMI Papua, di Swiss Bel Hotel Papua pada Ahad 27 Januari 2008.

Menurutnya, 3 tahun yang lalu, BPD HIPMI Papua mengajak 14 investor ke Papua, namun sekitar 6 bulan dari itu seperti Group Samporna dan Bentol Group tidak melanjutkan investasinya di Papua dengan alasan kendala “birokrasi dan masalah hak ulayat”. Oleh karenanya untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, saat ini sedang disusun perdasi dan perdasusnya, sehingga diharapkan dalam waktu dekat ini sudah dapat disahkan. Dengan demikian dapat memberikan kejelasan dan batasan mana yang harus dilakukan investor dalam berinvestasi di Papua.   

Kepengurusan Andi Rukman Nurdin sebenarnya berakhir pada 24 November 2007, namun diberi tenggang waktu sampai 3 bulan ke depan sampai terbentuknya pengurus baru. Sejak kiprahnya di Papua pada 1983, BPD HIPMI Papua sampai 2008 ini telah memiliki 20 cabang Se Provinsi Papua dan sampai 2008 telah melakukan pergantian kepengurusan sampai 8 kali, dimana 1 periode jabatan kepengurusan berlangsung selama 3 tahun.  Sebagai penggantinya yang sudah ditetapkan secara lisan yaitu Max R. Krey, Syahril Hasan, Lutfi Arisandi dan bahlil LHD, masih harus melakukan road show ke daerah-daerah sebelum pemilihan dimulai, sebab yang akan menentukan Ketua Umum BPD HIPMI Papua adalah mereka-mereka yang ada di daerah. Siapapun penggantinya harus didukung dan dapat tetap menjalin kerjasama dengan elemen-elemen lainnya baik yang ada di Papua maupun di luar daerah.