We Dont Trust “Potretanakmelanesia.blogspot.com’s Blog” Anymore

Fake images/hoaxes of governor of Papua Luke Enembe sitted side by side with the US President Barrack Obama were posted three days ago in a blog named “potretanakmelanesia.blogspot.com“. Important thing to note is that “potretanakmelanesia.blogspot.com” could not be trusted as Papua reference blog.  A news article, entitled “Diam-diam Lukas Enembe Bertemu Presiden Obama (AS) dan Presiden Zimbia di Washington” had indeed been removed, likely as an attempt to save the continuance of the blog,  but it is too late,  due to falsehood has already been uncovered.

Therefore, we call untrusted blog, not only “potretanakmelanesia blog”, but also “Papuanews.com website” as well for applauding the news published by “potretanakmelanesia blog” as a nice gag and a nice try.

One website that exposing untruth of “potretanakmelanesia blog” is detak.co. In its publication, its was said “Beredar Foto Hoax Gubernur Papua dalam Acara KTT Amerika Serikat- Afrika”.  Detak.co also added the picture was originally Armando Guebuza with President Barack Obama (USA) and Guy Scott (Vice President of Zambia) during the first plenary meeting of the US-Africa Leaders Summit at the State Department in August 6, 2014 in Washington D.C.  In this event, Obama hosted the last day of the first summit to strengthen ties between the United States and African nations.

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