Archive for the ‘Free West Papua Action Overseas’ Category

International Parliamentarians for West Papua, Membongkar Jaringan London

October 30, 2008


Berdasarkan investigasi, aksi segelintir kelompok ektrim pimpinan Benny Wenda telah mengadakan kegiatan di London dengan tema ”International Parliamentarians for West Papua” (IPWP) pada 15 Oktober 2008. Pertemuan tersebut dihadiri oleh 3 anggota Parlemen Inggris, 1 anggota Parlemen Papua New Guinea (PNG), 1 anggota Parlemen Vanuatu dan 30 simpatisan separatis. Kegiatan yang tidak didaftarkan tersebut (kegiatan non formal), disebutnya sebagai gerakan internasional, sama sekali tidak menarik perhatian publik. Para annggota parlemen yang menghadiri kegiatan tersebut tentunya mereka yang masih menutup mata dengan perkembangan demokrasi di Indonesia dan perkembangan otonomi khusus yang sudah diterima luas oleh masyarakat Papua.

WPP kali ini menurunkan hasil investigasi dari mereka-mereka yang hadir utamanya dari Inggris (anggota parlemen Andrew Smith, pendeta L. Harrys dan anggota parlemen Lembit Opik) dan bahayanya pemikiran mereka. Siapakah mereka ?

Andrews Smith



Andrews Smith adalah anggota parlemen partai Labour dari Oxford East sampai sekarang. Andrew adalah seorang City Councillor di Blackbird Leys sebelum terpilih menjadi anggota parlemen dan mengepalai Committee hubungan rasial, pariwisata dan perencanaan local. Ia juga aktif di Amnesty Internasional khususnya HAM di China. Partainya “Labour” adalah partai demokratik sosialis. Namun partai ini sejak pertengahan 1980an, dibawah kepemimpinan Neil Kinnock, John Smith, dan Tony Blair, disebut-sebut sebagai ”Third Way” (more centrist) yang mengadopsi pasar bebas. Dan terkait hal ini, para pengamat lebih menyebutnya sebagai partai Sosial demokratik (left atau center left) atau bahkan neo-liberal. Ia menikah dengan Val dengan satu anak perempuan dan satu cucu.

Lord Harrys



Ia dikenal dengan aliran liberal, menentang Section 38 UU Pemerintah Lokal Inggris yang melarang mempublikasikan homoseksual. Ia dikenal sejalan dengan pendeta controversial pro-gay Jeffry John yang mendapat pertetangan keras dari seluruh dunia, mengingat bertambahnya penderita AIDS di Inggris yang diyakini karena tindakan kaum gay dan biseksual. Tentunya, jika ide mereka diterapkan di Papua, yang bersama dunia internasional justru sedang berjuang memerangi AIDS, adalah counter produktif sebab hanya akan mendukung berkembangnya penyakit AIDS tersebut.

Lembik Opik



Sedangkan Lembik Opik, lahir 2 Maret 1965 dan anggota parlemen partai Liberal Demokrat dari Montgomery Shire sejak tahun 1997, dikenal sebagai seorang flamboyan. Setelah putus dari pacarnya Sean Lloyd ia kemudian bergandengan dengan penyanyi Romania Gabriele Irimia. Sebagai seorang yang ingin mencari perhatian, ia pernah tampil di Who Wants to be Milionare dan mendapatkan US$ 64.000. Pengetahuan tentang Papua adalah sangat diragukan sebab ia lebih menekuni masalah komet dan kemungkinannya untuk menabrak bumi. Lord Harrys adalah pria kelahiran 2 Juni 1936, pensiunan bishop of Oxford (ke 41) di Church of England. Setelah pension dari tentara (perwira) ia masuk ke sekolah Selwyn Colloge, Cambrige hingga mendapat gelar master. Belakangan ia masuk kembali ke tentara. Ia menjadi anggota pendiri Abrahamic Group yang meliputi tiga agama Islam, Kristen, dan Yahudi. Pada 2001 ia memperoleh gelar Doktor of the University dari Oxford Brookes University.

Sementara itu, Jeremy Corbyn adalah pria kelahiran Wiltshire, 26 Mey 1949 ini adalah aktifis partai buruh anggota parlemen Islington North. Ia juga anggota Amnesty Internasional.


Kenyataan terlibatnya para tokoh Inggris tersebut utamanya Pendeta Lord Harriys dalam ”International Parliementarians for West Papua” hanyalah untuk mencari popularitas mengingat idenya (Jerry John) yang tidak popular atau mendapat penolakan dari kelompok Kristen di Afrika dan Amerika Selatan. Dengan kata lain dapat dikatakan bahwa mereka bukannya bermaksud menyelesaikan Papua, melainkan hanya akan menambah permasalahan baru. Yang menjadikan pertanyaan apakan mereka yang hadir (30 orang ) Papua memiliki ide yang sama dengan Jerry John ?


OPM Comes Back to NKRI

July 4, 2008

Hundreds of TPN/OPM members are ready to come back to the city and wants to be The Republic of Indonesia Citizen ( NKRI).  Their willing is positively greeted by Vice Chairman II DPR Papua Paskalis Kossy, SPd and Chairman of Laskar Merah Putih of Papua Province Nico Mauri.

“Until now they (OPM in the jungle) have been utilized by  OPM politicians who live in the city or overseas to rise fund and they miserable and it is time to come back to the city, live among society and build Indonesia together”  Nico said. Welcome back.

Papua Separatist in Vanuatu

January 27, 2008

West Papua People’s Representative Office (WPPRO) Port Vila Vanuatu led by a Chief of Office, initially it was claimed ad a representative of Organisasi Papua Merdeka (OPM), but later on due to strategic consideration it has benn changed to be Represntative Office for West Papua People. Its office was established by the support of Vice Prime Minister Mr. Serge Rialuth Voghor on 13 March 2003. Vohor, on November 3, 2004, made a secret visit to Taipei and established diplomatic relations with the Republic of China (Taiwan) without approval from the Council of Ministers. As a result, the Council of Ministers voted to void the move and asserted Vanuatu’s continued recognition of the People’s Republic of China under its terms of the One-China policy. For weeks, both the ROC and PRC had diplomatic missions in Vanuatu with disagreement in the government over which government to recognize. On December 1, Vohor punched (or pushed) the shoulder of the new ambassador from Beijing, Bao Shusheng, after being approached to explain why the flag of the Republic of China was still flying over a hotel in Port Vila.

After 16 members of parliament who had supported Vohor joined the opposition, depriving him of a majority and leaving him with 15 out of 52 seats, the opposition tried to hold a no-confidence vote against Vohor. Vohor now has no strong influence because on July 27, 2007, Vohor, who was serving as Minister of Public Utilities, allegedly assaulted an official from the Finance Ministry due to his pay being delayed. In a cabinet reshuffle a few days later, he was one of several ministers dismissed from the government.

The leading figure in Vanuatu is John Otto ondawame, Ph.D aka Dr. Otto John Ondawame (see his complete profile). He lives at Sun Ries Guest House, Port Vila, O Box 5024, Port Vila, Vanuatu. He was born on November 30, 1953, Wanamum, Noema Valley, Mimika regency, West Papua and his ethnicity is Amungme, Papuan, but he has Swedish nationality.

Amnesty Exeter invites Separatist Leader in London

January 26, 2008

Westpapua Point. On January 22 January, 2008 it was first time in the year 2008 Amnesty Exeter (Execter Amnesty International Group) invite Free West Papua Campain, Mr Benny Wenda & Mr Richard Samuelson give talk about Human Right Issue in West Papua. Mr Benny Wenda says in West Papua Human Right violation committed by Indoensia Military toward West Papuan Peoples. There is no any freedom at all only killing, torture, imprisonment and intimidation. so we need international attention and kip aye on to the West Papuan Peoples. Exeter Amnesty Society, an open organization, usually campaigns around campus and meets every week to write letters about issues that matter. Benny Wenda is from West Papua. He and a fellow countryman, who both fled their homeland and are now in exile in the UK. Meanwhile, Richard Samuelson is Co-Director, Free West Papua Campaign, Oxford, Inggris and he also runs website Samuelson has ever said that Papua is bloody map and it has been almost 40 years, from Soeharto to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono together with their consprirator friends in London, Washington, Canberra dan Den Haag.

Letter from Wenda

July 4, 2007



P.O. Box 656, Oxford, OX3 3AP England, U.K.      <!– var prefix = ‘ma’ + ‘il’ + ‘to’; var path = ‘hr’ + ‘ef’ + ‘=’; var addy1130 = ‘office’ + ‘@’; addy1130 = addy1130 + ‘freewestpapua’ + ‘.’ + ‘org’; var addy_text1130 = ‘office’ + ‘@’ + ‘freewestpapua’ + ‘.’ + ‘org’; document.write( ‘‘ ); document.write( addy_text1130 ); document.write( ” ); //–> This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it


4th July 2007

Dr Raden Mohammad Marty Muliana Natalegawa,


Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia,

38, Grosvenor Square,



Dear Ambassador,

We are here at the Indonesian Embassy in London today to demand the IMMEDIATE & UNCONDITIONAL RELEASE of FILEP KARMA & YUSAK PAKAGE, two of my fellow West Papuans who have been jailed by your country for 15 & 10 years respectively for peacefully raising my country’s flag — the Morning Star – on 1st December 2004.


We West Papuans and our international friends know that what Filep & Yusak did was democratic political campaigning. Your Government – Indonesia – claims to be a “democracy”, but your oppressive laws call flying a flag “Rebellion against the State”! 10 years after the fall of the bloody dictator Suharto, you continue to shut my People in your stinking jails for 15 years — for flying a flag! Can you really be proud of that?


We are also here to demand the release of all other West Papuans imprisoned by Indonesia solely for expressing  their political opinion – namely that our People have the right to choose FREEDOM from Indonesian colonial rule in a free and fair democratic INDEPENDENCE REFERENDUM.


Together with this letter, I am giving you some more postcards signed during our demonstration today demanding Filep & Yusak’s release. You can add these to the thousands of postcards already sent to you from all over the World by ordinary people who deeply care about justice, fairness and democracy in West Papua.


Finally, I also enclose a copy of the leaflet we have been handing out outside your Embassy today. During your speech in Oxford on 16 May 2007, you claimed that you would welcome dialogue with the Free West Papua Campaign. With this in mind, we therefore challenge you to let us know in writing which sections of today’s Free West Papua Campaign leaflet you disagree with – and tell us the Indonesian Government’s version of these sections.


If we don’t hear from you at all, or if you do not comment on any particular sections of our leaflet, we shall assume that you and your Government agree with everything the Free West Papua Campaign is saying about your country’s oppression of my People and my Land – West Papua.


Yours faithfully,



Benny Wenda

West Papuan independence leader in the UK

& Chair of DeMMaK, the Koteka Tribal Assembly.