Archive for the ‘Environment’ Category

Mummi in Papua Province

August 24, 2010

Mummi  not only exists in Egypt, but also in Papua province. Papuan mummi  is made by evaporating its human body fluids so it becomes a dry, hard, and rigid body.  In this process, it  is not required ingredients or preservatives.  Dani tribe’s mummi called “Hun” means spirit, that is believed to protect and bring a blessing for its future generations.Someone can be mummi  if during his/her lifetime was very popular such as a head or warlord. Preservation remains to be done as a tribute to charismatic figure mummi.

Prosess of mummi can only be done by couple (a husband and a wife). Husband’s duty is to complete preservation, starting from preparing wood  until  heating a dead body, while wife’task is to prepare food for his husband.  A man uses sharp wood to puncture dead body until all fluids out of the body.

We will stop fighting, promise

January 12, 2010

Keeping away from strife is an honor for a man, But any fool will quarrel. Proverbs 20:3

Solomon asked, “Do you see yourself as an honorable man or a fool?” If you avoid strife and fighting then you are an honorable man. But if you like to quarrel about anything and everything then you are a fool. Do you remember that our kids at SD Inpres state elementary school in Kwamki Lama in Mimika, Papua have not been school.

While they had got problem, we were proud to fight with our family. As a father I am ashamed with my kid’s complaint “father, please stop your involvement in the conflict, we want to school now.” My kid reminds me Solomon message during our prayer at Church that the honorable thing for a man to do is avoid strife and quarreling, not engage in it. Thank Mimika Police chief Adj. Sr. Comr. Moh. Sagi for your effort to mediate in the dispute.

Happy 99th Anniversary of Jayapura

March 6, 2009

Happy Annyversary

On March 7, 2009 Jayapura City will celebrate its  99th  anniversary.  In relation to this matter,  Ketentraman dan Ketertiban (Trantib) of Jayapura City carries out the control beginning with monitoring towards the cleanliness of the good environment such as housing and  office complex including prohibiting resident to stake out laundry on the clotheslines at the edge of the road.  Head if Trantib Section, Drs Otniel Meraudje, MM asks resident to pay attention to the problem of the cleanliness of the environment,  such as painting the fence, cleaning the water channel and their residence environment.

Happy Anniversary.

Understanding Papua 6 (Environment, Flora and Fauna)

March 24, 2008

Papua is one of three Major Tropical Forests in the world that has been identified by Conservancy International. Over 80% of Papua is still untouched or natural habitat. Due to the biogeography and the unique topography of Papua, the forest regions still have high levels of biodiversity. The inaccessibility of many of the natural habitats means that to this day not a lot is known about Papua’s biodiversity; Papua’s seas have not yet been fully explored either. With an increase in biological research in Papua more and more is being discovered about the biodiversity of the region. Aside from a high level of biodiversity, Papua also has many different types of ecosystems, from extensive coral reefs, mangroves, savannahs, lowland tropical forests, to mountainous and alpine areas.
The threats to the biodiversity and natural habitat of Papua are already apparent. Papua, being rich in mineral deposits and oil reserves, is very attractive to investors who aim to build large scale mines and oil fields, potentially very damaging to natural habitats. Other threats come from the growth of certain areas, such as the development of the industrial sector in Mamberamo, the expansion of palm oil plantations, the construction of the Trans-Papua highway and timber concessions.

Ubi Jalar (Petatas) dan Keladi (Kastela) makanan khas Papua yang akan Go Public

February 20, 2008

Tanaman ubijalar (petatas) dan keladi (kastela) merupakan makanan khas masyarakat pedalaman Papua dan masyarakat Papua umumnya.  Olah karenanya sangat tepat jika  Direktris Yayasan Honai Timika Ibu Anastasia Takage, SA.g  mengembangkan dua tanaman yang merupakan makanan pokok masyarakat gunung ini, sebagai tanaman yang mempunyai nilai jualannya sangat tinggi, seperti dikatakannya pada Rabu 13 Pebruari 2008. Sebagai anggota dewan, juga sebagai anak Papua pedalaman, Ibu Anastasia mengaku merasa terpanggil untuk mengembangkan dua jenis makanan pokok suku pedalaman ini menjadi makanan khas berkualitas tinggi dan disajikan pada semua momen acara besar atau kecil di daerah ini.   

 Yam vs. sweet potato

“Kehidupan masyarakat Papua terutama masyarakat pedalaman, dengan adanya modernisasi perlahan-lahan orang mulai lupa dengan makanan khas yang merupakan warisan nenek moyang ini. Bagi Yayasan Honai melihat ini sangat menarik, sehingga kedua tanaman ini perlu ada program budidaya dengan persemaian yang baik sehingga hasilnya mempunyai kualitas yang tinggi, dan sebagai makanan yang mempunyai nilai gizi yang tinggi pula,” kata Ibu Anastasia yang juga Ketua Dewan Kehormatan DPRD Kabupaten Mimika ini.Untuk membudidayakan kedua tanaman ini, Yayasan Honai bekerjasama dengan beberapa kepala kampung yang ada di beberapa Satuan Pemukiman (SP-SP). Para kepala kampung telah memberi 3 hektare lahan, yang kemudian kelompok-kelompok ibu-ibu yang ada pada kampung tersebut mengelola lahan ini sebagai kebun percontohan. Melalui kebun percontohan ini, maka ke depan lahirlah petani-petani petatas dan keladi yang secara rutin menghasilkan petatas dan keladi dalam jumlah yang begitu banyak. Petatas dan keladi yang dihasilkan oleh kelompok ibu-ibu maupun dari lahan-lahan secara pribadi itu, akan dibeli oleh Yayasan Honai yang selanjutnya akan dipasarkan keluar Timika. Informasi yang beredar, lanjut Anastasia di Nabire akan dibangun sebuah Pabrik Tepung Tapioka. 

Bila rencana tersebut terealisasi dalam beberapa tahun ke depan ini, jelas mereka akan membutuhkan stok atau pasokan singkong, keladi, petatas dari mana saja dalam jumlah yang banyak.  Selanjutnya,  Petatas dan Keladi memang tidak hanya menjadi makanan khas orang Papua yang mempunyai nilai gizi, protein, dan mineral yang tinggi, namun melengkapi referensi makanan khas Indonesia.