Archive for the ‘Papua Leader Statement’ Category

Encouraging Yacob Rumbiak (Australia), Herman Wanggai, Otto Ondowame (Swedia) to follow Jouwes’ Step

February 10, 2010

We should remember the statement of B.J.K. Cramer Rotterdam, the Netherlands that Jouwe in the Netherlands has taken the courageous step, following the earlier lead of the RMS movement in exile that made a similar step, by declaring that the war for secession was over and that instead any differences should be settled by peaceful means.

Jouwe and Joku are smart leaders who realize their mistakes in the past. Later, they realize that Papuan should be active and become leaders in Indonesia not only in Papua. Papua is one of  Indonesia provinces.  Therefore, whoever Papuan leaders stay overseas are eccouraging to follow Jouwe step. We are Papuan looking forward to see you in Papua sooner or later.

Kunjungan Wapres Jusuf Kalla ke Papua

February 19, 2008

Jayapura.WPP. Pada Jum’at, 15 Februari 2008 Wakil Presiden H Muhammad Jusuf Kalla tiba di Jayapura. “Dukungan rakyat Papua sangat kondusif,” ujar Dansatgas pengamanan VVIP Kolonel Kav Burhanuddin Siagian yang juga Danrem 172/PWY. Ini tentunya menjadi bukti bahwa rakyat Papua menginginkan pembangunan berkelanjutan.

Wapres dan rombongannya tiba di Bandar Udara Sentani sekitar pukul 15.45 WIT dengan pesawat kepresidenan RJ-85 setelah terbang dari Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara. Di Bandara Udara Sentani, Wapres Jusuf Kalla disambut oleh Gubernur Barnabas Suebu, SH, Gubernur Papua Barat Bram O Aturui, Ketua DPR Papua Drs John Ibo, MM, Ketua DPR Papua Barat Demianus Idjie, Ketua MRP Agus Alua, Pangdam XVII/Cenderawasih Mayjend TNI Haryadi Soetanto, Kapolda Irjend Pol Drs Max Donald Aer dan sejumlah pejabat lainnya.Terlihat dalam rombongan Wapres diantaranya Menteri Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Kepala BAPPENAS Pazkah Suzeta, Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Joko Kirmanto dan lain-lain. Terlihat juga Menteri Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal Menteri Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan (DKP) Fredy Numberi yang sudah tiba sejak Kamis lalu.

Setibanya di Bandara Sentani, Wapres Jusuf Kalla langsung istirahat sejenak di ruang tunggu VIP selama kurang lebih 10 menit dan selanjutnya masuk ke mobil kepresidenan yang platnya bertuliskan Indonesia 2 lengkap dengan Bendera Merah Putih. Di mobil tersebut, Wapres didampingi Gubernur Suebu hingga sampai ke Swissbel Hotel Ruko Dok II Jayapura.Sepanjang jalan yang dilalui oleh rombongan Wapres, semuanya berjalan lancar, termasuk cuaca yang bersahabat. Bahkan di sejumlah tempat dipinggir jalan dari Sentani hingga Jayapura terlihat warga yang menyambut rombongan Wapres di tepi-tepi jalan ingin menyaksikan Wapresnya dari dekat. Di SwissbelHotel, Wapres disambut oleh Walikota Jayapura Drs Menase Robert Kambu dan sejumlah pejabat lainnya.  

“NKRI is non-negotiable and final,” Asmat Tribe Leaders said.

February 1, 2008

Jakarta, WPP. “Asmat tribe opposes separatism in West Papua and they hope that Asmat land, Papua land, Indonesian land become land of peace for all creatures, “Ketua Lembaga Musyawarah Adat Asmat or LMAA Yuvensius A Diakai, BA said in a press conference  announcing a new Asmat regent vision in Jakarta on 31 January 2008.

I am Asmat, Papua


             I am Indonesian. 

He added “Asmat tribe is a part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and oppose the existing separatism in Papua,”.  Moreover, Vice Chairman of LMAA Amandus Anakai stated that motto “Ja Asmanam Apcamar” (walking with full balance) elaborates Asmat regent vision is to build Asmat based on the Asmat culture pillar. He also added that NKRI is non-negotiable and final.

Pancasila, NKRI and Merah Putih are Final

January 31, 2008

 Merah Putih

Merauke,WPP. Chairman of the Papuan Regional Board of the Communication Forum of the Sons and Daughters of Retired Military (FKPPI)  Yan L. Ayomi, S.Sos at the inauguration of Managing Board (Merauke Regency) for the 2008 – 2013 period on 26 January 2008 said Pancasila, NKRI and Merah Putih are the bottom line for the Republic of Indonesia. We should develop Wawasan nusantara “national outlook”  thinking regardless of ethnicity, race and religion in order to keep unity and harmony. Meanwhile, Vice Merauke regent, Mr. Waryoto invites FKPPI to hand in hand with local government and other components to build a better Merauke.  Unity should go together with the sense of loving to the country. “This is important to promote and make our country big and recognized,” he said.