Archive for March 2008

The Indonesia Government Never Stops Building Papua

March 25, 2008

PT. The Regional Government of Sorong Selatan (south Sorong) continues to carry out the development in 14 districts including Kokoda District located at coastal area. For developing education sector, local government has been cooperating with Patimura University by contracting out 10 teachers to teach in Sorong Selatan Regency and  developing education infrastructure. Kadistrik Kokoda, Yohan Bodori, S.Sos said they have been teaching in our area.

This reality gets positive responses from local community and moreover, in the future they suggested to the Regional Government to recruit its own local teachers because there have been many local teachers have got high level education. (Lhernot)


Understanding Papua 6 (Environment, Flora and Fauna)

March 24, 2008

Papua is one of three Major Tropical Forests in the world that has been identified by Conservancy International. Over 80% of Papua is still untouched or natural habitat. Due to the biogeography and the unique topography of Papua, the forest regions still have high levels of biodiversity. The inaccessibility of many of the natural habitats means that to this day not a lot is known about Papua’s biodiversity; Papua’s seas have not yet been fully explored either. With an increase in biological research in Papua more and more is being discovered about the biodiversity of the region. Aside from a high level of biodiversity, Papua also has many different types of ecosystems, from extensive coral reefs, mangroves, savannahs, lowland tropical forests, to mountainous and alpine areas.
The threats to the biodiversity and natural habitat of Papua are already apparent. Papua, being rich in mineral deposits and oil reserves, is very attractive to investors who aim to build large scale mines and oil fields, potentially very damaging to natural habitats. Other threats come from the growth of certain areas, such as the development of the industrial sector in Mamberamo, the expansion of palm oil plantations, the construction of the Trans-Papua highway and timber concessions.

Understanding Papua 5 (Society and Culture)

March 23, 2008

As a result of Papua’s varied topography there are hundreds of ethnic groups all with different cultures and traditions. In reference to its varied topography and different cultures, Papuan people can be broadly divided into three major groups:
• Coastal and island inhabitants who have usually have houses on stilts and earn their livelihoods from sago and catching fish.
• Land inhabitants who live by rivers, swamps, lakes and at the bases of mountains and usually making their living by catching fish and hunting and gathering in the forests.
• Highland inhabitants who farm and breed animals in order to earn an income.
Generally, the Papuan people live in a kinship system that follows a patrilineal line.
There are hundreds of regional languages which have developed in Papua; this diversity in language results in difficulties in communication between different ethnic groups. As a result of this, Indonesian is generally used in Papua, even in the remote areas.

Understanding Papua 4 (Economy)

March 22, 2008

Similar to the situation in other parts of Indonesia, the people of Papua depend on agriculture for their income, especially farms and plantations. Agricultural commodities in Papua include cocoa, palm oil, sago, corn, soybeans, tuber roots and rice. Other crops often cultivated by Papuan people include forestry products like timber, sandalwood, eaglewood and rattan. In terms of fish and other marine resources, Papua’s resources are plentiful; much of its marine industry is orientated towards export, including tuna, crabs, sea cucumbers, pearls and aquarium fish.
In the energy and mining sector, Papua has large potential reserves of gold, copper, natural gas and oil. The extraction of these resources in Papua is usually undertaken by large-scale operations, for example PT Freeport for gold mining and British Petroleum for gas and oil.
Overall, Papua is still a raw materials and commodities supplier. The processing industry in Papua is underdeveloped because of the lack of supporting infrastructure, which means greater production costs are incurred by investors. This situation has led to economic growth in Papua which is not representative of its true potential; the prosperity of the Papuan people has not increased significantly despite the current economic growth. Aside from natural resource exploitation and agricultural activity, forestry and mining has also had negative impacts on the Papuan environment.
Aside from the efforts on the part of local and regional governments to encourage the acceleration and equal distribution of economic development in Papua, the Integrated Economic Development Zone of Biak (Kapet Biak), which covers the regencies of Biak Numfor, Yapen Waropen, Supiori, Nabire and Mimika, was created in 1998 and it is focused on the fishery and tourism sectors. However, development has been delayed due to overlapping regional and central government policies and bad management. Other initiatives include the creation of other special economic zones in Jayapura, Nabire, Sorong, Mimika, Merauke, Fak-Fak and Wamena. It is hoped these regions will become centers of growth for Papua. After Papua received Special Autonomy status, the regional government began to use its new status to begin the process of developing Papua with a focus on equal distribution and community empowerment. This principle is reflected in the Vision and Mission of the Papua Development Program which aims for cultural, social, political and economic self-sufficiency for Papua based on traditional and universal values. (

Understanding Papua 3 (Demographics)

March 21, 2008

While Papua is the largest province in Indonesia, it also has the smallest population. A census survey (SUPAS) in 1995 estimated that Papua had 1,942,627 inhabitants and a population growth rate of 3.03% per year. In 1999 another census was taken and it was estimated that the population had increased to 2,165,300 people.  The large amount of land means that the population density of Papua is only 5 people per kilometer squared. Indigenous Papuans are descended from many different ethnic groups; 250 of those ethnic groups have been identified so far. They live in groups and small units, often isolated and with their own language, culture and traditions. The workforce of Papua in 1999 was 988,588 and 93.58% of those were employed. The Department of Labor recorded 80,481 people seeking work in 1999. (

Understanding Papua 2 (Government)

March 20, 2008

Papua’s capital is Jayapura and the administration of the province is divided into 20 regencies and cities. Currently the central government has plans to create new regencies throughout Papua. The expansion of regencies began in 1999 with Law No 45/1999 The Formation of the Provinces of West Irian Jaya, East Irian Jaya, Central Irian Jaya, Puncak Jaya regency, Mimika regency, Paniai regency and the city of Sorong. The formation process was then delayed when Law No. 5/2000 Amendment to Law No. 45/1999 was issued in response to a lack of preparation in terms of governing the new regencies. The process was reinvigorated in 2003 with Presidential Instruction No. 1/2003 The Acceleration of Expansion of Regions in Papua and the formation of a number of new regencies under Law No. 26/2002 on the Formation of Sarmi regency, Keerom regency , Sorong Selatan regency , Raja Ampat regency, Pegunungan Bintang regency, Yahukimo regency, Tolikara regency, Waropen regency, Kaimana regency, Boven Digoel regency, Mappi regency, Asmat regency, Teluk Bintuni regency, Teluk Wondama regency in the Province of Papua. The regency/province expansion process is still underway and the new Province of West Irian Jaya is planned but remains controversial and faces political opposition and an unprepared regional apparatus. Administratively, the capital of the West Irian Jaya province will be in Manokwari and will be divided into nine regencies/cities.

Aside from problems surrounding the province expansion, the issuance of Law No 21/2001 regarding Special Autonomy for Papua allows the province to continually improve its ranking in terms of development. A variety of interventions by the government in Papua have been aimed at increasing government capacity and increasing the attention on high priority sectors like health, education and regional economic development.

Understanding Papua (1)

March 19, 2008

Papua  is Indonesia’s furthest eastern province and is described as being as the “bird’s head region”. During the colonial era it was referred as Dutch New Guinea. Papua was also once known as the province of West Irian and officially became a province under Law No 12 of 1969 which established the autonomous province of West Irian. In 1973 the name West Irian was changed to Irian Jaya, which was used officially until 2002, when Law No 21/2001 regarding the Special Autonomy of Papua came into effect. Geographically, Papua is located between 0° 19’ – 10° 45’ longitude and 130° 45’ – 141° 48’ latitude, and occupies the western half of New Guinea, which is the second largest island in the world after Greenland.

Papua is the largest province in Indonesia in terms of size and occupies 21.9% (421,981 square kilometers) of Indonesia’s total territory; from west to east (Sorong to Jayapura) Papua measures 1,200 km (744 miles) and from north to south (Jayapura to Merauke) it measures 736 km (456 miles). Aside from the mainland, Papua also has a lot of islands off its shores. Off the northern shore there are the islands of Biak, Numfor, Yapen and Mapia, to the west the islands of Salawati, Batanta, Gag, Waigeo and Yefman and to the south the islands of Kalepon, Komoran, Adi, Dolak and Panjang. In the east Papua borders onto Papua New Guinea.
Papua is a region full of potential. A small population and an abundance of natural resources mean there are a lot of opportunities for the economy to develop. Papuan land contains forests, oceans, a high level of biodiversity and a lot of land suitable for agriculture. Papua also has natural gas reserves, oil and other minerals and metals ready for extraction.
In terms of the central government’s efforts to ensure Papua is not left behind developmentally in relation to other provinces in Indonesia, and in order to decrease the potential for conflict resulting from such an imbalance, the government enacted Law No. 21/2001 regarding Special Autonomy for Papua which gave greater authority to the regional government of Papua in order to speed up the process of development. (

Australia Supports the Territory Integrity of the Republic Indonesia

March 14, 2008

PT. Australia Air Force remains support the territorial integrity of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). As we know, the Australian Government intends to intensify cooperation with the Indonesian Air Force, especially for supervision of borders between the two countries, student exchange program, humanitarian aid, and so on.
As neighboring countries, both Indonesia and Australia respect each other in particular for sea territorial.  
“Until now the Australian government supports Autonomy Khusus Papua to build remote areas development,” stated by Air Force Defense Attaché from Australian Embassy Papua during two days visit on 12-13 March 2008.  The visiting group contained of Colonel Ray Press, Nicky Broomhail Flight Sergeant, Vred Daugen, and Grey Straben see Air Force bases (Markas Lanud) in Timika, Biak, Jayapura,. “Our visit is to intensify the relationship between the Indonesian Air Force and Australian Air Force”, said Colonel Press in Timika yesterday (12/3). “The system of Indonesia government to build Papua is excellent. We see that Indonesia successes to implement Autonomy Khusus and situation in Papua more conducive for foreign investors,” he added. “Indonesia- Australia have annual air exercises program; Elang Rajawali and Hercules. Last year we practiced in Australia and this year in Indonesia,” he said.
Meanwhile, Lieutenant Colonel Bambang Triono, the Indonesian Commander of the Timika Military Air Base, said the visit was aimed at getting to know all airs bases in Indonesia, especially in Papua. Lt Col Bambang also mentioned about Australian’s intention to intensify cooperation, particularly as regards maritime borders between the two countries.  “Supervision has been stretched, especially in terms of illegal logging and illegal fishing”, he said.

Ketua Pemuda Adat Papua wilayah Manokwari Elimelech Obeth Kaiway Cegah Aksi Separatis

March 14, 2008

MANOKWARI- 12 Aktivis West Papua National Autority (WPNA) wilayah II Manokwari bersama badan eksekutif mahasiswa (BEM) se-Manokwari, Kamis, 13 3 2008, demontrasi di depan kantor DPRD Kabupaten Manokwari menolak kehadiran peraturan pemerintah (PP) nomor 77 Tahun 2007 tentang lambang daerah yang melarang penggunaan bintang kejora sebagai bendera daerah.

Aksi turun jalan yang mengatasnamakan BEM se-Kota Manokwari dimulai disamping Gedung Olahraga (GOR) Sanggeng bergerak berjalan kaki menuju Kantor DPRD Kabupaten Manokwari. Tepat di jembatan Sahara bendera bintang kejora yang terbuat dari kertas manila sempat dibentangkan. Namun Ketua Pemuda Adat Papua wilayah Manokwari Elimelech Obeth Kaiway langsung melarang dan diserahkan ke polisi. Tidak lama kemudian, Wakil Ketua II Bons S Rumbruren, S.Sos keluar dari dalam kantor untuk menemui pendemo. Beberapa mahasiswa yang hadir dari Unipa (jas almamater warna kuning), STIH dan WPNA.  Diantara para pendemo disusupi segelintir orang yang meneriakkan kemerdekaan West Papua, yang salah satunya Juru bicara WPNA Jack Wanggai. Ia berorasi di hadapan massa dan Wakil Ketua II DPRD Manokwari dengan mempropagandakan bahwa telah berlangsung negosiasi internasional antara pemerintah Indonesia dengan Papua. Jack juga mengatakan meski Indonesia sebagai ketua komisi dekolonisasi di PBB bukan masalah, karena ratusan negara-negara yang ada di PBB yang akan memilih untuk menentukan. Usai penangkapan, Kapolres AKBP Drs Yakobus Marjuki di hadapan pendemo langsung memberikan pengarahan.  Tak lama, Ketua Forum Komunikasi Pemuda dan Mahasiswa Wilayah Manokwari Abner Arie Aisoki langsung membacakan pernyataan sikap. Antara lain, pertama meminta Majelis Rakyat Papua (MRP) dibubarkan. Kedua, pemerintah inkonsistensi menjalankan UU nomor 21 tahun 2001 tentang Otsus Papua. Ketiga, menolak dengan tegas peraturan pemerintah Nomor 77 Tahun 2007. Keempat, pemerintah NKRI se-segera mungkin melakukan perundingan bermartabat dengan semua komponen rakyat Papua. Terakhir, pendemo mendesak PBB se-segera intervensi tanah Papua demi kemanusiaan dan memberi referendum bagi bangsa Papua. Usai membacakan pernyataan sikap langsung diserahkan kepada DPRD yang diterima wakil Ketua II Bons S Rumbruren yang didampingi sejumlah anggota DPRD lainnya.  Sementara Wakil Ketua II DPRD Kabupaten Manokwari Bons S Rumbruren usai menerima aspirasi dari mahasiswa mengaku aspirasi penolakan PP 77 akan segera disampaikan kepada DPRD Provinsi Papua dan Papua Barat serta MRP. Selanjutnya aspirasi ini akan disampaikan kepada pemerintah pusat. Kuasa hukum Jack Wanggai, Yan Christian Warinussy, SH yang dikonfirmasi via ponselnya mengakui klienya sudah berada di Polres Manokwari untuk menjalani pemeriksaan di ruang Reskrim. Kapolres AKBP Drs Yakobus Marjuki usai demo mengatakan Juru bicara WPNA Jack Wanggai telah memenuhi unsur-unsur untuk ditangkap.  

Menkokesra has Built 47 Houses at Tolikara Village and will build 1000 KM route

March 9, 2008

Pemerintah melalui Menkokesra telah membangun daerah yang cukup terpencil dan berada di daerah pegunungan, tepatnya di Kampung Kanero, Distrik Bokoneri, Tolikara, dari semula tiga rumah atau honai menjadi 47 rumah tipe 36 dilengkapi SD, puskemas pembantu, pembangkit tenaga listrik mikrohodro, 1 unit balai desa, rumah lindung pembibitan, rumah penyimpanan benih, hasil produksi dan alat pertanian, sumber air bersih dan sistem pipanisasi. Kebun percontohan dan demplot pertanian, jalan desa dan lapangan olaraga. Pembangunan tersebut telah dijanjikannya 2 tahun lalu pada saat mengunjungi Yahukimo dan Tolikara. “Pada saat kunjungan di Tolikara itu ada tujuh orang dari Kampung Kanero yang kembali dari kelompok OPM ke pangkuan NKRI. Waktu itu kami berjanji akan membangun tempat mereka dan sekarang telah kita penuhi,” ucapnya.

Menko Kesra menjelaskan, dari kunjungannya itu masyarakat di kampung itu nampak cukup gembira dan menyambut baik pembangunan itu. “Mereka berharap ada pembangunan lagi di daerah-daerah yang lain. Ini tentu sejalan dengan program gubernur yaitu Rencana Strategis Pembangunan Kampung yang dilakukan secara menyeluruh di Papua,” jelasnya. Dengan adanya pembangunan ini, pihaknya berharap bisa mengurangi resistensi dari sebagian masyarakat yang masih berada di gunung-gunung yang belum kembali kepangkuan NKRI.
Kampung Kanero nantinya juga akan dijadikan kampung percontohan bagi kampung-kampung di sekitarnya maupun di Papua.”Adapun pembangunan kampung itu menelan dana Rp 13 miliar lebih yang bersumber dari dana pasca bencana dan pasca konflik dari Kementrian Koordinator Kesra,” sambungnya. Kabag Humas Tolikara Simon Sembor S.Sos melaporkan, peresmian pemukiman desa tertinggal di Kampung Konero, Distrik Bokoneri Kabupaten Tolikara itu, Menkokesra tidak sendirian, namun didampingi Mendagri, Menteri PU, dan Kepala Badan Intelejen Negara serta Gubernur Papua, Barnabas Suebu, SH.Distrik Bokoneri yang terletak sangat terpencil namun mendapat perhatian dari Presiden RI, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Bukti ketiga Menteri RI membawa salam hangat dari presiden dan wakil presiden untuk masyarakat. Acara persemian yang ditandai penandatangan prasasti dan penggutingan pita itu, disaksikan ribuan pasang mata masyarakat Kanero dan sejumlah pejabat Pemkab Tolikara, anggota DPRP, MRP, maupun aparat distrik dan kampung setempat.Menurut Menkokesra, pembangunan infrastruktur ini merupakan tugas yang diberikan presiden. Selanjutnya model incubator percepatan pembangunan kesejahteraan rakyat untuk melakukan sesuatu yang tertinggal menjadi maju, yang lemah menjadi kuat, yang tidak ada menjadi ada. Ditambahkan, sejalan dengan gagasan rencana strategis Gubernur Provinsi Papua yaitu Respek, diharapkan semua kampung dan distrik di Papua dapat dibangun seperti Konero di Kabupaten Tolikara. Karena Konero ibarat bayi premature yang baru lahir, agar sehat, kuat dan cerdas, maka harus dimasukkan dalam peralatan laboratorium yang memiliki keahlian berbagai disiplin ilmu. Sehingga hal ini menjadi contoh percepatan pembangunan Kesra maupun contoh untuk seluruh Kabupaten di Indonesia.

Gubernur dalam sambutannya menyambut baik program ini karena di kampung dapat tersentuh. Gubernur mengakui bahwa program Menkokesra ini juga merupakan strategi yang paling mendasar untuk penyelesaian masalah Papua.

Di hadapan Gubernur dan para menteri, Bupati Tolikara, DR (HC) John Tabo, MBA atas nama pemerintah dan masyarakat menyampaikan terima kasih dan penghargaan kepada pemerintah pusat terhadap rakyat Tolikara. Karena daerah pegunungan ini belum pernah dijajah bangsa manapun dan sangat tertinggal dibanding daerah pesisir pantai yang lebih maju karena pernah dijajah Belanda dan Jepang. Untuk itu tidak ada kata berhenti bagi John Tabo untuk mengajak rakyat, sehingga mereka yang tinggal di Honai dapat juga menikmati tinggal di rumah yang layak dan sehat. Kembali ke Aburizal Bakrie. Saat ditanya soal tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat Papua, Aburizal Bakrie menuturkan, dari pantauannya, kesejahteraan masyarakat Papua mulai membaik. “Adanya kelompok yang kembali ke NKRI merupakan sinyal positif bahwa telah terjadi pembangunan. Mereka tentu tidak akan kembali jika sinyal-sinyal itu tidak mereka lihat,” ujarnya. Menkokesra juga dengan jujur mengakui wilayah pegunungan masih cukup tertinggal dan masih perlu perhatian-perhatian khusus. “Namun cukup jelas sekarang ini bahwa program gubernur saat ini menyeluruh hingga ke kampung-kampung,” tegasnya. Lebih lanjut terkait kunjungan ini, Ketua Tim Interprov Satuan Koordinasi Pelaksanaan Penanggulangan Bencana (Satkorlak PB) Provinsi Papua, Drs. Izaak S. Karubaba saat ditanya Cenderawasih Pos menjelaskan, proses pembangunan kompleks pemukiman terpadu sebanyak 47 unit rumah di Kampung Kanero itu dananya berasal dari pemerintah pusat. “Dana tersebut dianggarkan melalui dana pasca bencana APBNP Tahun 2006 di lima kabupaten Pegunungan Tengah yaitu Kabupaten Jayawijaya, Puncak Jaya, Tolikara, Yahukimo, dan Pegunungan Bintang,” paparnya.
Di tempat yang sama, Menteri Pekerjaan Umum, Djoko Kirmanto menjelaskan, masalah pembangunan wilayah Pegunungan Tengah merupakan bagian keseluruhan dari pembangunan Papua. “Untuk pegunungan tengah dikasih biaya yang jauh lebih besar, dimana jalur darat yang akan dibangun itu mulai dari Oksibil, Dekai, Kurima, Wamena dan selanjutnya ke arah Karubaga, Mulia, Hombio, Sugapa, Enarotali dan menyambung ke Nabire. Panjang jalur tersebut kurang lebih 1000 Km,” kata Gubernur Barnabas Suebu.Kemudian dari Oksibil, lanjut gubernur, akan tembus ke arah hulu Sungai Digul. Sementara dari Karubaga akan tembus ke hulu sungai Mamberamo. Selain itu, Wamena hingga Jayapura sudah jalan. “Satu lagi dari Puncak Jaya menuju Ilaga akan tembus ke hulu sungai Belo, sehingga terintegrasi antara laut, sungai, darat dan udara. Dananya cukup besar, jadi kalau bupati bilang dananya kurang itu tidak betul, sebab mereka tidak tahu informasi itu,” tandasnya. Untuk jalur udara, Bandara yang sedang dibangun antara lain, Bandara Sinak (Puncak Jaya) dan Bandara Wagete (Paniai) sehingga akan melengkapi Wamena sebab di kedua Bandara tersebut, pesawat besar yang bisa mendarat di Wamena. Selain itu, ada juga di Oksibil (Pegunungan Bintang) dan di Dekai (Yahukimo),” paparnya.